Sabariah Jusoh

About Master Trainer Ms.Saba Jusoh

Award Recipient of The Most Excellent Activist on Financial Education Among Youths Globally by Women Information Network, U.S.A., in conjunction with the celebration of 100 Years of Women International Day on March 8th, 2011

She is an entrepreneur, speaker, master trainer and coach in Life Direction, Creating Wealth, Relationships, Parenting, & Powerful Communication. Today, she has been happily married to a successful businessman for the past 22 years and blessed with five beautiful children aged 7 to 20. She has occasionally been featured in national newspapers, Her World and Al-Muslimah magazines and appeared on national T.V., NTV7 Breakfast Show.

She was originally from Besut, Terengganu and grew up in a poor family, the eldest among the three sisters. Her childhood dream was to travel overseas. She was a brilliant student, always at the top of her class ever since she was in primary school at Tengku Mahmud Primary School. She then pursued her studies at Tengku Mahmud Secondary School and MARA Junior Science College, Terengganu. Her dream came true when she scored excellent grades on her Form Five exam and was offered a scholarship to pursue her studies in the U.S.A.

She obtained an MSc. In Information Systems from the University of Sheffield, United Kingdom and BSc. in Business Administration, majoring in Management Information Systems from the University of Charlotte, North Carolina. She was formerly a senior lecturer at International Islamic University Malaysia and Universiti Utara Malaysia.

However, it was not always that way. She was at the juncture of her life and went through a massive breakdown in 2003. At that time, she was challenged with her PhD study; her small children were sick, she was unfit and not well, her maid ran away, she was tied up with 9 to 5 jobs, her relationship with her husband was at the brink of divorce and in deep financial problem. She was miserable, disappointed and lost. After that awful experience, she decided to take full charge of her life, and she started living with the distinction of “For Things To Change, 1st I Must Change.” That was the turning point of her life, and it transformed her life.

Since then, she has invested more than half a million (Malaysian Ringgit) in continuously learning from the world’s best gurus, such as DC Cordova, Dominique Lyonne, Kerry Zurrier, T.H. Ekev, Robert Kiyosaki, Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, Joel D. Robert, John Stamolous, Heiko and Selina, Dr. Ary Ginanjar, Dr. Sundardas and many others, in the areas of self-growth, money, business, relationships, healing, and media impact.

She then discovered her purpose in life: to inspire and impact more people to live their lives to the fullest potential with love, purpose and contribution. She resigned from the university in 2004 and established her own training and consulting company. She has been speaking to more than 10,000 people from school and university students, working and non-working parents, teachers, and public and corporate locally and internationally (Bangkok, Singapore, Dublin-Ireland, London, Paris and Melbourne-Australia) on the empowerment seminars. She has been trained under a world-class training program, the Instructors’ Training Program (I.T.P.), by the Excellerated School, U.S.A. She uses a powerful whole-brains technique, “Accelerated Learning” (A.L.) technology, in her delivery, which makes the learning purposeful, impactful, fun, interactive and enjoyable.

She is also very active in community services. She has been an active member of Toastmasters International for more than ten years, an international organization that helps people enhance communication and leadership skills. She also founded a non-profit organization, Reach Out Global (ROG), which has done incredible work collecting donations of RM100,000 within ten days to send school supplies to 1000 flood-affected children in Kuantan and Kemaman in January this year.


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